Saturday, February 16, 2013

Branching Out, in more ways than one!

This time of year feels like a strange in-between period; partly Winter, but on the cusp of Spring; it feels like we're all waiting for something coming soon, but not soon enough!  I'll be celebrating my birthday in the latter half of the month (yay!) and am looking forward to taking a small weekend trip to Maine.  But at Hieropice, we've also had some pretty cool developments, including a feature in Bev Feldman's Linkouture blog, wherein she interviewed me about the inspiration behind Hieropice and its wares, as well as some other fun info, including the ridiculous origin of my brandname, Hieropice.  Check out the interview here, it's a quick read!
      I also decided, hey, I love nature-y things, and I have favorited all of these nature-y items by Etsy sellers over the years, so I'm going to go ahead and make a treasury list of all things branch-related (shown above).  The result was pretty interesting.  Branch lamps, branch t-shirts, even an Iphone dock made out of a massive branch of wood.  See how creative Etsy sellers are?!  Those crafty so-and-sos.
      Soon, I will be launching a new line of jewelry.  Not going to go into too much detail yet, as it's still crystalizing in my brain, but I'm excited about it.  It'll be a new venture for me, with a bit of risk involved, and who doesn't like risk?!  It's not anxiety-provoking at all!  :) 
Enjoy your Saturday, all!

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