Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Autumn is here!

Cardamom pods
  I am thrilled that Fall has finally come.  It is the best season, in my opinion.  There is an incredible natural color palette that forms just about everywhere in New England that makes every vignette look like a painting.
   I've been experimenting with making my own liquors and bitters, starting with a cardamom/vanilla pod-infused liquor that I haven't gotten quite right yet.Why just make the vessels, but not the liquors to go in them?  For my first attempt, I toasted the cardamom and vanilla pods, which gave a powerful flavor, but perhaps too anise-y/too much like licorice.  So the next batch was made with raw pods, and no vanilla.  We shall see how it goes!
I collected a number of my etched glass vessels, etched and painted lanterns, and all things Autumnal for this Fall-inspired scene to remind you of why Autumn is just the best thing ever.  A number of these pieces are available at my Hieropice on Etsy shop.  Happy Fall!

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